Ripple Effect

Claire Stoffers is the Director of Finance and a Biomedical Engineering major at Georgia Tech. She joined Ripple Effect because HIV/ AIDS is an issue that can easily be over-looked even though it affects so much of the world, and education and awareness is one of the best ways to prevent its spread.

4th Year
Biomedical Engineering


As a biology major and pre-med student Mikaela has always had an interest in the way various diseases impact the community. Upon transferring to Tech at the start of her third year she was looking for an organization and cause to dedicate her time to. With the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Atlanta, she felt this was a matter that needed attention. She believed, that by joining Ripple Effect, she could contribute her time to raise awareness and educate others on the issue. Mikaela hopes that this year she cannot only raise awareness about HIV/AIDs on Georgia Tech’s campus but also throughout her community.

Vice President
4th Year


When Aadarsh became aware of HIV/AIDs issues in the LGBT+ community, he realized he wanted to make an impact and reduce the effects of this harmful disease by joining the Ripple Effect club.

Web Developer
2nd Year
Computer Science


Fang joined Ripple Effect because he is interested in health advocacy and wanted to make a difference on campus.

Fundraising Chair
2nd Year
Biomedical Engineering

